Now get Golden Visa investing Dh2m in Dubai property – digitally and by crowdfunding

Dubai: You may now even use crowdfunding to buy real estate there and qualify for a Golden Visa. However, you must still deposit Dh2 million or more.

To investors who enter the platform through SPVs (Special Purpose Vehicles) registered with the Dubai International Financial Centre, the proptech company Stake is providing Golden Visa choices. On its platform, they must invest at least Dh2 million or more.

With this initiative, investors in Dubai will be able to use a digital investment platform to apply for a Golden Visa for the first time.

According to Rami Tabbara, co-founder and co-CEO, “for property investors, getting a GV through Stake is a much easier process for a variety of reasons.” “You may invest in 20 houses instead of locking in Dh2 million to one. This greatly reduces the investor risk and gives the investor access to places and developments in Dubai that he or she would not have been able to directly afford.

“More significantly, the investor is investing their money in ready-to-occupy properties, which is a better option than making investments off-plan. Investors will be able to develop a more dependable income stream and produce rental income more quickly with this strategy.

“At last, it comes down to convenience. Where else in the world can you invest in direct property assets using a smartphone and qualify for a GV within three minutes? We’ll handle all the paper work and schedule your appointment. Nothing like this exists anywhere.

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