UAE: Viral ‘sleepy chicken’ challenge condemned by doctors as they urge caution against online trends

Netizens are being challenged to cook raw chicken in a pool of sleep-inducing cold medicine — prompting the international authorities to issue advisories

Doctors in the United Arab Emirates are advising citizens to avoid a risky food challenge that recently went popular online.

The challenge had instructed Internet users to attempt preparing raw chicken in a solution of the cold medication NyQuil. Following the widespread distribution of that video, some individuals tried the novel “sleepy chicken” recipe, which prompted the US Food and Drug Administration to issue a warning.

Residents of the UAE were advised by physicians not to cook with strange substances, particularly if they did not have enough knowledge about them.

Such a viral tendency might have “a significant toll on one’s health,” according to Dr. Amani Elghafri, an internal medicine consultant at Valiant Clinic & Hospital.

“Cooking chicken with cough syrup is a novel and strange task that has spread all across the world. In addition to gaining in popularity, the video that launched this trend is also being evaluated by viewers.

He stated, “Cough medicine and other over-the-counter drugs become more concentrated and even changed when exposed to high temperatures. This is why this is harmful. The cough remedy begins to emit hazardous vapors when heated, which can badly damage your lungs. When done with other medications as well as cough syrup, this is harmful.

Elghafri said that parents and guardians must constantly warn children not to blindly follow internet trends.

Always be mindful of the potential impacts of “trends,” he advised, and talk to your kids about the pros and cons of imitating other people’s online behavior.

Poisonous for human consumption

Medical professionals emphasized that exposing a drug to extreme heat might possibly make it toxic. Cooking changes the structure of any drug, which ultimately changes the molecule and creates a new chemical.

Internal medicine consultant and medical director Dr. Fadi Baladi stated that medications are made up of unique molecules that need to be kept at a precise temperature. Certain syrups, tablets, etc., can become destroyed if we don’t preserve them at particular temperatures.

Therefore, the molecules are changed when the medication is exposed to extremely high temperatures in a cooking environment. The molecules are entirely changed when medicine is used as a culinary ingredient, becoming new, untested compounds.

Food burning is not encouraged at all since it is bad for our health, according to Dr. Yousra Heikal, a general practitioner at Prime Medical Center – Barsha Heights. They may cause cancer, which is plainly bad.

TikTok responded to Khaleej Times’ request for clarification by emphasizing in a statement that they strongly oppose such dangerous actions.

A TikTok spokeswoman stated, “Content that encourages risky behavior has no place on TikTok.”

Although this isn’t currently trending on our platform, we will delete it if we find it and strongly advise anybody against acting in a way that might be dangerous to them or others.

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